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Whittington - September 29 2010

Several common pipistrelle bats at dusk over River Stour and several tawny owl calling in the area.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 28 2010

I'm particularly interested of late in the common frog activity around our garden pond and I'm really hoping that we will now see a breeding colony established again, as from next spring. Today there were two in residence.

Sedgley - September 27 2010

Late in the day my wife called me into the kitchen. The bags of shopping that had been on the floor for some time had a baby common frog sitting on top of them. How it got there is a mystery! (Click on the image for a magnification)

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 26 2010

Flock of starling in the area c50 birds. Autumn is well and truly here, we get regular visits from starlings during the colder months.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 25 2010

Another visit to the garden from a grey squirrel and another opportunity for Twinkle my Bedlington Terrier to claim her territory.

Dudmaston Big pool, Shropshire (September 24 2010)

Two swallow feeding over the pool and adjoining meadow.
Three sightings of goosander in flight over the pool as follows: 5 female / 1 male / 1 female.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 23 2010

A flock of c.20 black headed gull around the area and one briefly landed on the roof, the first time we've had one, or at least I've seen it.
Also a grey squirrel on the bird feeding station. That gave my Bedlington Terrier Twinkle some excitement as she saw it off.

Dudmaston Big pool, Shropshire (September 22 2010)

Watched a kingfisher in flight with a small fish in its beak, off to find a perch to eat it on. Nothing of note on the pool, but in a month or so then the winter ducks will be arriving. Saw a female smew last winter.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 21 2010

Lots of tit activity around the feeding station this morning as a coal tit, blue tit and 2 great tit all put in regular appearances. And there were 2 common frog around the garden pond.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 20 2010

Still the 1 common frog sitting in the pond.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 19 2010

The temperature is dropping - we've put our bathroom heater on for the first time, that's a good indicator it's getting colder. Still 1 common frog sitting in the pond.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 18 2010

Although we have had them before never at the same time, so it was good to see 2 great tit, 1 blue tit and 1 coal tit around the feeding station. Haven't seen the latter for some time but we do tend to get them during the colder months anyway.

Sedgley (Backyard) - September 17 2010

Just the one common frog in the pond today. The weather is turning very autumnal now and tonight the temperature is down sharply. There are even frost in some parts of England tonight. But I've created some amphibian overwintering places in the garden so I've done my bit to help them in the struggle for survival.

Dudley (Russells Hall Hospital) - September 16 2010

I found myself at the hospital in the early hours and there was a robin singing from a tree on the car park. Several birds sing at night, not just nightingales!

Dudley (Russells Hall) - September 15 2010

On grass alongside Russells Hall Road c.20 black headed gull, all in winter plumage. Been a while now since I saw anything remotely like summer dress!

Sedgley (backyard) - September 14 2010

I'm really focused on the common frog activity in and around the garden pond. Today just the two, one in the water and the other on a rock enjoying the rain!

Sedgley - backyard (September 13 2010)

Really encouraged to find 5 common frog all in the pond. I hope it's not too optimistic to say that the frogs are back!
And as I type this there is a family group of 5 blackbird feeding right outside my office window.

Sedgley - backyard (September 12 2010)

Nice to see the common frog have been in and around the pond for some time now, 3 in total today.

Near Shrewsbury, Shropshire (September 11 2010)

A leopard slug, and who said slugs were nasty? A beautiful creature if you ask me!

Near Shrewsbury, Shropshire (September 10 2010)

A juvenile common tern late afternoon in feeding patrol mode around a lake. Really enjoyed watching it hunt.

Sedgley (September 9 2010)

Early hours (12.35am) and a badger crossing The Northway near to the junction with Gospel End Road.

Staffs/Worcs Canal (September 8 2010)

In the same place as a few days back and again two badger around the sett at dusk. Also a single common pipistrelle flew past, seen once. Bit like Groundhog day!

Sedgley - backyard (September 7 2010)

Just the one common frog seen today in the garden pond. Just a small number of house sparrow at the feeding station, 3 female and 1 male. The briefest of visits though from a blue tit, but nothing to take his fancy really, must get the fat balls out as I've run out.

Sedgley - backyard (September 6 2010)

The weed that I put in the garden pond has taken well and is now providing good breeding conditions for the smooth newt colony we have. They are always in view but the return of the common frog has been really encouraging. Two of them today, but the most seen this year has been four.

Staffs/Worcs Canal (September 5 2010)

Found a new badger's sett and watched at least two individual badger at dusk setting off on a hunting expedition. Other sightings but unable to say if more than two animals.
A single common pipistrelle bat in flight along the canal.

Sedgley - backyard (September 4 2010)

Flock of c.20 gulls in flight. Mostly black headed gull, a few lesser black-backed gull and at least one great black-backed gull. Not a clear view to be accurate on numbers.

Sedgley - backyard birding (September 3 2010)

Four common buzzard high overhead in flight, calling.

Near Shrewsbury, Shropshire (September 2 2010)

Still out on the same fishing trip, a single curlew flew across the lake. It was calling which of course alerted me to it in the first place. The closest bird to home so far this year, the others have all been in Wales.

Near Shrewsbury, Shropshire (September 1 2010)

It's that time of the year when certain birds start to flock together and so it wasn't that much of a surprise to see c.50 goldfinch while out on a fishing trip. Don't normally see so many bthough, usually smaller groups.