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Priory Park, Dudley (January 28 2009)

Goldfinch - c.12 birds in tree.
Greenfinch - several males and females seen, including several birds calling.
Nuthatch - 2 sightings of single bird.
Herring gull - 10 birds circling over Dudley Zoo.
Starling - In trees, 3 birds, 1 bird.
Mistle thrush - singing from top of tree.
Stock dove - in tree.

Near Kinver (January 27 2009)

Canada goose - 1 on canal.
Sparrowhawk - male in flight.
Jackdaw - c.40 male birds overhead in flight.
Grey heron - 3 sightings of single bird.
Goldfinch - several birds feeding in trees along canal.

Near Cookley (January 26 2009)

Mallard - several males and females on canal.
Great spotted woodpecker - female on tree.
Common buzzard - 2 sightings of single bird in flight.
Jay - single bird.
Grey heron - 1 in flight.

Baggeridge Country Park (January 25 2009)

Redwing - c.25 on field towards ridge (Wodehouse).
Stock dove - 3 in trees along drive to park.
Common buzzard - 1 in flight.
Greenfinch - several by visitor's centre.

Baggeridge Country Park (January 24 2009)

Sparrowhawk - male landed in tree in woodland by Park Farm.
Kingfisher - female bird perched on overhanging tree at head of Upper Wishing Pool.
Stock dove - 4 in field beyond Island Pool.
Common buzzard - 2 sightings of single bird soaring/flight.
Little grebe - bird on Spring Pool.
Tawny owl - roosting bird in usual spot in Whites Wood in English oak.
Mallard - 4 males and 2 females on a 95% frozen Bag Pool.
Black headed gull - 31 on Spring Pool.
Bullfinch - calling male and another sighting of 2 males.

Total for Baggeridge Country park for 2009 - 49
(Added Sparrowhawk)

Near Cookley (January 23 2009)

Woodcock - seen on the journey there, just as dawn breaking. In flight near Himley Hall.
Weasel - not a bird I know, but one ran across the A449 by the Wall Heath roundabout.
Jackdaw - c.40 birds overhead at first light, over period of 5 minutes.
Great spotted woodpecker - female drumming on tree.
Jay - 2 birds.
Grey heron - in flght.
Treecreeper - 1 bird.
Kingfisher - in flight alomng canal.
Coal tit - calling.
Common buzzard - bird calling / soaring.
Sparrowhawk - female flew to dead tree stump.
Siskin - males and females, flock c.30 feeding in common alder trees.
Total for 2009 - 66

Near Cookley (January 22 2009)

Jackdaw - c.325 in flight overhead at first light over a period of 10 minutes.
Raven - Bird in flight just above tree top level, called once. Later a bird seen high in the sky.
Great spotted woodpecker - female on tree.
Common buzzard - 1 bird soaring and calling, others heard at same time but not seen.
Siskin - c.35 males and females feeding in common alder trees.

Near Cookley (January 21 2009)

Treecreeper - single bird on tree, giving good views.
Chaffinch - several male and female birds feeding on canal towpath.
Raven - bird in flight, dropping beyond far side of canal near A449.
Great spotted woodpecker - flew to tree.
Goosander - bird in flight, was coming to land on canal then veered off when it saw me.
Kingfisher - in flight along the canal.

Park Hill farmland (January 20 2009)

This is the area of farmland beyond the Northway estate and the Blind Institute in Sedgley. A cold day and muddy in places but wrap up well and dress properly and those things aren't an issue.
Magpie - largest group of birds c25 in trees and on field.
Common buzzard - 1 bird in flight to tree.
Kestrel - in flight.
Nuthatch - calling bird in Park Coppice.
Great spotted woodpecker - male in Park Coppice.
Goldfinch - several feeding birds in Park Coppice.
Siskin - female bird in with the goldfinches. It pays to look properly. 3 birds in Greenleighs Wood.
Mistle thrush - 1 in flght.
Herring gull - 1 in flight overhead.
Fieldfare - 1 in flight/tree.
Song thrush - on field.
Sparrowhawk - female bird hunting low over field.

Near Kinver (January 19 2009)

Goosander - female bird about to land on pool adjacent to the canal but someone on the grounds of the house caused it to be wary. It circled a couple of times but then decided to try elsewhere.
Jackdaw - 18 very noisy birds in trees.
Common buzzard - 2 sightings of single bird in flight.
Goldfinch - c.25 feeding in trees along canal.
Kestrel - in flight.
Green woodpecker - in flight to tree.

Red Lane, Gospel End Village (January 18 2009)

Moorhen - 2 birds on lane pond, single bird in field above Westgate Farm, could possible have been one of those as time difference between seeing birds.
Black headed gull - several in area.
Lesser black-backed gull - 1 in flight.
Redwing - c.30 in flight over last field on right, joined by others and c.60 landed on the field later.
Stock dove - 2 birds on the last field on the right, single bird in flight to trees along Penn Brook.
Kestrel -in flight.
Jackdaw - 4 calling birds in trees along Penn Brook.
Pied wagtail - bird on front garden wall at home, first sighting for my garden.
Total for 2009 - 65

Baggeridge Country Park (January 17 2009)

Black headed gull - 22 on Bag Pool.
Redwing - 3 on field beyond Lydiates Hill, 2 in boundary hedgerow near Lydiates Hill.
Mistle thrush - 2 on field beyond Lydiates Hill.
Great black-backed gull - 1 in flight.
Bullfinch - 1 male and 2 females feeding in boundary hedge near Lydiates Hill.
Tawny owl - bird roosting in English oak in Whites Wood.
Little grebe - 1 on Spring Pool.
Moorhen - 17 on Spring Pool.

Near Kinver (January 16 2009)

Grey heron - bird in field, later 1 bird in flight and 2 birds in flight.
Raven - bird calling in flight, recognised as one previously seen by gap in wing.
Moorhen - 4 birds feeding on Staffs/Worcs Canal towpath.
Great spotted woodpecker - female on tree.
Fieldfare - flock of 14 in flight.
Green woodpecker - male on tree.
Siskin - several birds.
Goldfinch - several.
Great black-backed gull - single bird in lazy flight along canal route, just above tree top level.

Near Kinver (January 15 2009)

Great spotted woodpecker - 2 sightings of single bird.
Goldfinch - c.20 feeding on common alder trees.
Siskin - c.16 males and females feeding on common alder trees.
Common buzzard - 3 birds soaring / calling.
Nuthatch - 1 calling bird.
Raven - 2 birds in flight, later 1 bird in flight. Heard bird calling from trees. Recognised one bird as seen at the end of last year by gap in wing.
Tufted duck - female on River Stour.

Baggeridge Country Park (January 14 2009)

Robin - 8 birds together just below Whites Wood tunnel.
Bullfinch - 1 male and 1 female in tree.
Black headed gull - 20 birds on Spring Pool.
Tawny owl - roosting bird in English oak at Whites Wood.
Little grebe - on Spring Pool.
Kingfisher - female bird first seen on fence at head of Spring Pool, moved to Lower Wishing Pool and then Upper Wishing Pool. Showing well.
Jay - 2 vocal birds in woodland by Upper Wishing pool.
Green woodpecker - 1 bird in flight into Lydiates Hill, another bird in tree by Upper Wishing Pool.

Near Kinver (January 13 2009)

Grey wagtail - bird in flight.
Jackdaw - several noisy bird in area.
Grey heron - 2 sightings of single bird in flight.
Common buzzard - single bird in flight.
Kingfisher - bird perched on branch overhanging Staffs/Worcs Canal.
Great spotted woodpecker - female preening.
Heard tawny owl calling at 12.10pm

Total for 2009 - 64

Baggeridge Country Park (January 12 2009)

Tawny owl - two roosting birds in a holly tree in Whites Wood. The regular English oak tree roost was vacant and I'm pretty certain (as you can be in birding) that one of the birds seen was one that is usually in the oak.
Stock dove - 6 birds on field beyond Island Pool.
Little grebe - On Spring Pool.
Nuthatch - calling bird near Spring Pool.
Great spotted woodpecker - female on tree.
Jay - 2 separate sightings of single bird.
House sparrow - several males and females near Whites Wood entrance.

Baggeridge Country Park (January 11 2009)

Pheasant - male bird in field beyond Island Pool.
Tawny owl - bird in regular English oak tree roost in Whites Wood.
Treecreeper - single bird in Whites Wood.
Kestrel - male bird in flight near Spring Pool.
Little grebe - on Spring Pool.
Black headed gull - c.50 circling over Spring Pool.
Common buzzard - 1 in flight.
Greenfinch - c.20 near visitor's centre.
Magpie - 14 in tree by Island Pool.

Total for 2009 - 63
Total for Baggeridge Country Park - 48

Chasewater Country Park (January 10 2009)

Merlin - female bird flew from woodland adjoining the railway station. Then headed in direction of south shore across the lake. Bird seen at 10.50am.
Ruddy duck - female on lake.
Herring gull - several birds around.
Pochard - three males on lake.
Goldeneye - several males and females diving.
Great crested grebe. Several.
Tufted duck - several on lake male and female.
Canada goose - c.15 in flight over south shore.
Wigeon - 3 males on lake.
Goosander - male and female, former on ice preening.
Total for 2009 - 62

River Dove, Derbyshire (January 9 2009)

Sparrowhawk - 2 separate sightings of single bird in flight.
Cormorant - in flight, 4 sightings of a single bird and 1 sighting of a pair.
Great spotted woodpecker - 2 sightings of a single bird at distance on trees.
Raven - 2 sightings of a single bird in flight.
Goosander - 1 high overhead in flight.
Little grebe - 1 on the river.
Common buzzard - 1 calling in flight.
Fieldfare - several on field and in flight.
Total for 2009 - 54

Baggeridge Country Park (January 8 2009)

Tawny owl - the usual Whites Wood English oak tree roost was empty but the holly tree had a bird in it.
Stock dove - single bird in Whites Wood.
Jackdaw - several birds in Whites Wood.
Siskin - flock of c.10 (males and females) near Bag Pool.
Goldfinch - several.
Bullfinch - two sightings of male and female, male.
Treecreeper - bird on trees at head of Island Pool. Flew twice between trees.
Black headed gull - 41 on Spring Pool, adult winter and 1st winter plumage birds.
Robin - 8 around gate below Whites Wood tunnel.

River Dove, Derbyshire (January 7 2009)

Goosander - single male in flight.
Mute swan - pair on river.
Snipe - single bird in flight over meadow. Later a bird landed further downstream alongside the river.
Cormorant - 3 sightings of a single bird in flight.
Raven - 2 displaying birds over meadow beyond river.
Great spotted woodpecker - female landed in tree.
Little grebe - on river.
Fieldfare - several in flight.
Song thrush - several sightings of a single bird, one of a pair.
Total for 2009 - 53 (added first 5 birds in above list)

Baggeridge Country Park (January 6 2009)

Teal - 1 male, 2 females on Spring Pool. All the other ponds and pools, along with others in the area, continue to be frozen solid, and so I figured that any birds in flight would be tempted by the open water below. Isn't it good when your plans come to fruition? The birds were seen at 9.40 am and were along the far bank of the pool.
Wigeon - female bird on Spring Pool. It is a good 2/3 open water and hopefully will stay that way.
Little grebe - Single bird diving on the Spring pool.
Tawny owl - the English oak tree roost in Whites wood had the bird back (it had been absent my last 2 visits) but the bird in the holly tree was also there. I was convinced that they were the same bird, but are obviously 2 different ones.
Treecreeper - in tree by the Island Pool gate to Himley Hall.
Fieldfare - c.6 calling in flight near Whites Wood.
Jackdaw - several birds seen.
Grey heron - perched bird over Island Pool, bird in margins of Spring Pool.
Partridge - c.6 birds in field beyond Island Pool but at such a distance all I could say was that they were partridges. Most likely to be red-legged birds but unless I'm sure then it won't be a tick.
Total for 2009 - 48
Total for Baggeridge Country Park - 47

Baggeridge Country Park (January 5 2009)

Redwing - several in Whites Wood, 1 by visitor's centre.
Tawny owl - the regular roosting spot in the Whites Wood English oak was vacant, but the bird (most certainly the same one due to plumage) was again in the holly tree that it occupied yesterday.
Kestrel - hovering by Bag Pool.
Song thrush - 1 by visitor's centre, 1 on Lydiates Hill.
Greenfinch - numerous.
Great spotted woodpecker - in flight near visitor's centre.
Lapwing - 4 birds in flight over Bag Pool, travelling from the direction of the Straits towards Red Lane. Later saw a single bird in flight just clearing the tree tops at Whites Wood heading from Himley towards the Straits.
Great black-backed gull - single bird in flight.
Green woodpecker - in flight to Lydiates Hill.
Jackdaw - several on Lydiates Hill and Whites Wood.
Total for 2009 - 44
Total for Baggeridge Country Park - 43

Baggeridge Country Park (January 4 2009)

Kestrel - bird around the Bag Pool area and bird in flight over Gospel End Common.
Bullfinch - Four separate sightings of birds as follows: 1 male, 2 males, 1 male and 1 female, 4 birds including at least 1 male and 1 female.
Goldfinch - several around the visitor's centre.
Redwing - bird calling in flight on Lydiate's Hill.
Song thrush - on Lydiates Hill.
Great spotted woodpecker - on Lydiates Hill.
Tawny owl - the usual oak tree roosting spot was empty but I did find a tawny owl in a holly tree and am pretty sure that it was the same bird by the plumage.
Goldcrest - in brambles on Gospel End Common.
Total for 2009 - 40
Total for Baggeridge Country Park - 39

Baggeridge Country Park (January 3 2009)

A freezing cold day, all the pools were well and truly frozen solid, apart from the Spring Pool which still had a certain amount of free water. On my own today as even Twinkle my Bedlington Terrier didn't want to venture out.
Siskin - several male and female birds around the visitor's centre.
Feral pigeon - several around the brickworks.
Goldfinch - several, largest flock 10 birds.
Bullfinch - 2 separate male birds by visitor's centre, male and female by Upper Wishing Pool and 3 males by the brickworks.
Kestrel - male in the Bag Pool area.
Collared dove - 2 in flight by visitor's centre.
Coal tit - 4 separate sightings of single birds.
Nuthatch - several, most seen at one time 4 by Spring Pool.
Lesser black-backed gull - c.5 in flight over Bag Pool, 1 in flight later.
Little grebe - active bird on Spring Pool.
Great spotted woodpecker - in Whites Wood.
Mistle thrush - on field alongside Miners Path.
Tawny owl - roosting bird in Whites Wood oak tree.
Total for 2009 - 38
Total for Baggeridge - 37

Prestwood (January 2 2009)

A short walk along the (frozen) Staffs/Worcs Canal this morning from the Stewponey bridge to the River Stour confluence with the Smestow Brook.
Lesser spotted woodpecker - single bird in flight.
Goldcrest - several sightings of single bird.
Jackdaw - several noisy birds.
Green woodpecker - 3 sightings of single bird.
Nuthatch - 2 birds in trees.
Coal tit - single bird.
Great spotted woodpecker - male in tree.
Grey heron - bird flew from River Stour, later saw a bird on field beyond river.
Total for 2009 - 32

Baggeridge Country Park (January 1 2009)

A very cold New Year's Day indeed, Twinkle my Bedlington Terrier was walking on the Bag Pool as it was frozen solid. I did a video of my day which you can view here:
Greenfinch - flock of c.20 birds in flock by car park.
Coal tit - several birds seen around site.
Green woodpecker - feeding bird on brickworks chimney about 2/3 of the way up.
Bullfinch - male by visitor's centre.
Tawny owl - the local celebrity roosting in Whites Wood.
Little grebe - very active bird on Spring Pool.
Black headed gull - 57 adult winter birds and 6 1st winter birds on Spring Pool.
Goldcrest - 2 in wood beyond Lower Wishing Pool.
Siskin - c.30 feeding in common alder trees by Upper Wishing Pool.
Kingfisher - caught a small silver fish in Upper Wishing Pool and then ate it on overhanging branch.
Stock dove - in tree by electricity sub-station.
Kestrel - male perched in tree by Bag Pool.
Total for 2009 - 29